Saturday, October 6, 2012

Empowering Learners

American Association of School Librarians. (2009). Empowering learners. Chicago: American Library Association.

Empowering Learners sets out a set of guidelines for the school library media center program. It is an inspirational text that sets high expectations for any teacher librarian seeking to develop and improve their practice. The text addresses four main areas, as follows:
1. developing visions for learning, which includes guidelines regarding creating a 21st century environment and embracing 21st century skills. It also addresses the transition of the teacher librarian (here called school library media specialist, or SLMS) from checking out and cataloging books to the role of instructional leader at school.
2. teaching for learning, which covers much of the instructional role of the SLMS. This section defines many different literacies beyond reading/writing/speaking, but also does address the need to focus on reading in addition to utilizing technology for learning
3. building the learning environment, which focuses on the actual school library/learning commons--the people and things that are in the library, collection development, and professional development,
4. empowering learning through leadership, which again emphasizes the role of the SLMS as a school leader and the various responsibilities and tasks that fall under that role.

The book has fantastic and varied supplemental reading suggestions in each chapter, allowing someone to use it as a resource to develop much deeper knowledge in any of the areas that it briefly covers.

In addition, it has a rich set of appendices that cover aspects of working as an SLMS.

Overall, this small book is packed with information and guidance for any SLMS. It is a good resource for anyone, and should be required reading for any new SLMS, particularly someone working with an emergency credential who is still completing their degree.

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