Monday, September 24, 2012

Media production and ICT literacy development

Turner, K.C.N. 2011. "Rap universal": Using multimodal media production to develop ICT literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(8), 613-623. doi: 10.1598/JAAL.54.5.6.

Information and communication technology (ICT) literacies are now essential skills for most employment and recreation. Many low-income youth do not have the resources at home or school to develop these crucial literacies, putting them at an academic and/or occupational disadvantage. The researcher studied an extended-day program in an impoverished, low-performing school district in Northern California, looking at whether the experience of producing media would develop ICT literacies in the middle school students. The students were taught ICT skills in two ways: first, they practiced viewing media critically and becoming aware of stereotypes and strategies used; second, they produced their own public service announcements based on community research projects. Turner conducted qualitative research before, during, and after the program with a particular emphasis on five focal students who had very consistent attendance, and triangulated her data with the students teachers and the program instructors. Using technology to do multi-modal media production, the students developed ICT literacies that they then applied to their schoolwork. They also articulated ways that they could utilize the skills outside of school and apply the concepts they learned to other types of analysis. While similar research with a larger sample size would provide more conclusive data, providing avenues for students to develop ICT literacies is needed in schools. Youth from low-income families especially need opportunities to build skills through critical media consumption and production in order to be academically and professionally competitive.

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